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The information we have provided will help you understand your horses needs as well as understand our products.


Our goal is to help save horses lives.



This product is proudly made in the USA



Cathy & her Mare "Flossy"  - 03-05-2012


I recently bought a Guardian Mask from you and I just wanted to share my progress with you.

My horse is a 7 year old Andalusian Mare, and she is the love of my life !

A few months ago she began head-shaking when being ridden. At first it was just annoying, but it got progressively worse until I realized that the head shaking was due to the fact that she was in pain, and was not a behavioral issue. I called the vets after a particularly dangerous episode while riding out on the road in traffic. The vet came and did loads of tests. After ruling out potential problems with her teeth, back and ears, the vet revealed that she was probably suffering from "Trigeminal Neuralgia", and it is a progressive and degenerative condition. I was horrified, as I know that when human beings get this, it is classed as the most painful condition known to man !

The vet told me I had three options: First, I could arrange to send her to Liverpool Equine hospital to have the Trigeminal nerve in her head, operated on and a block put in, at a cost of around £6000. Second, I could buy a "state of the art" eye mask to protect the eyes so that bright light would not trigger the trigeminal nerve (this is where you come in !). Third, have my beloved mare destroyed !!!

The head operation is still very much an option, but for the last five weeks I have been riding her wearing a Guardian Mask and a nose net, and we have not had any further episodes. I can only assume that the mask protects her eyes to the extent that bright winter sunshine and daylight, do not trigger a reaction in the trigeminal nerve. At the moment, I am still riding, schooling and enjoying my horse, and I would like to thank you for developing a product that enables me to do this.

I have attached a few photos of my horse wearing her mask. Her name is Flossy, and this is the first time in months that she has been able to stand outside in the sunshine with her ears pricked forward.

Thank you very much and kind regards
Cathy Smith




Hi Cathy!


Thank you very much for sharing the progress with your mare, we are so happy for her and for you!  The other option you were given is terrible!  I'm so glad you opted to try our mask, that is what we are here for, saving horses from that terrible third option!  We really appreciate your sharing with us, and look forward to the pictures.   We welcome you to update us again anytime!


Guardian Mask

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