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We strongly recommended reading each and every page of the compiled information on our website. 


The information we have provided will help you understand your horses needs as well as understand our products.


Our goal is to help save horses lives.



This product is proudly made in the USA



  Kevin and  "Guinness" - 04-24-18








I'd just like to share how grateful we are to Guardian Masks for saving our horse, Guinness.

We've known Guinness for almost four years now, and as long as we've known him he's had eye problems. Originally diagnosed as cataracts, then re-diagnosed as severe scarring from an injury, he was prescribed steroid eye drops long term to control the cloudiness in his eyes and help maintain his sight.

In 2017 he had a series of ulcers in his left eye, which irritated him. When irritated he would rub at the ulcer, making them progressively worse and causing new ones to develop. This culminated in his eye rupturing - the pain was so severe, he would throw himself backwards every time he put his head down to graze and he wouldn't let anyone near his eye. He had to be rushed to a specialist eye hospital on a Saturday night to remove the left eye and to have the right eye properly examined so we could do everything possible to save that.

The eye hospital diagnosed keratitis (and scarring) in this eye and told us that long term steroid use on the eyeballs had caused the surface of them to weaken to a dangerous degree meaning that the slightest abrasion would cause ulcers and stop them from healing. Guinness came home after a stay in the clinic and a new, safer, prescription of injections behind the eyeball every 2-3 months. It was only a week or so before he started to rub at his remaining eye however and the ulcer was quite visible. We were worried he was going to lose his remaining eye, didn't know how he would cope if he did, and terrified he'd end up in the same pain he was in before.

At this point a friend on our stable yard suggested trying her guardian mask on Guinness. It was too small, but we could see how it would help and ordered one straight away. It gave his eye chance to heal and although he is still sensitive we're confident it saved his remaining eye and is giving it chance to get stronger all the time. He still wears it most of the time, he waits patiently each day for it to be fitted, and he's just about learnt now to not get the right hand eye piece muddy (so he can still see)!

Yes, it's more expensive than some masks - but it's saved his eye and a whole lot of pain. Without it I don't think we'd still be out there doing the things he loves.

Thank you.





Hi Kevin,

Thank you so very much for writing us and sharing your story with Guinness!   We are delighted that your friend recommended our mask and that it has helped your boy.   Keep up the great work with him, we love that horses like Guinness can have a second chance!    


Guardian Mask

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