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Karen & her horse "Tenya" - 10-01-1999


Having been a horse owner for 45 years I was fortunate never to have had any serious eye problems in my horses. Oh, my white appaloosa Tenya had a discharge from his eyes that became crusty all of the time but I wiped that off every day. Then when Tenya was eighteen I noticed a cloudy spot in his right eye. The veterinarian recommended immediate eye surgery and a biopsy revealed Tenya had squamas cell carcinoma...a type of eye cancer. This was most likely caused, the vet said, by exposure to the sun and ultra-violet rays over the years. Six months later we removed another cloudy white spot from Tenya's right eye.

At this time I became familiar with the Guardian Mask on the internet and found out that it prevented 95% of ultra-violent rays from entering the eye, and I ordered the mask. Tenya became used to it very quickly and I noticed that he spent more time each day out in the sun whereas before he would usually stay in the barn during the heat of the day. And I also noticed that the discharge from both eyes had stopped.

A small cloudy spot appeared on his right eye and I consulted another vet who recommended Efudex drops for 21 days in the right eye. This procedure was followed and the vet approved of wearing the Guardian Mask as a means of preventing ultra-violet rays from entering the eye. I am happy to say it has been over a year and both eyes are clear and bright. There is no discharge from either eye and no cloudy spots have reappeared.

I never knew how harmful sun exposure can be , particularly to light skinned horses and those with light eyes. Had I known Tenya would always have worn  the Guardian Mask. Knowing what I know now I would highly suggest that all horse owners use the Guardian Mask from birth. It is much better to prevent problems before they became serious enough to require surgery.


Had Tenya been wearing this mask from the time I got him I feel certain he would never have developed this eye condition. How much better it is to prevent a problem before it starts than to try to correct it after it develops. I can only say the Guardian Mask has helped my horse very much and we have had no further occurrence of the eye cancer. 

Karen L. Mason



Thank you for sharing your experience Karen, it is great to know the condition was brought under control and the eyes were saved.


Guardian Mask

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