Jill & her horse
"Checkers" - 07-05-2002

first saw Checkers a year ago this month. He is a beautiful
blue-eyed Paint with four white socks. I originally bought him as a
birthday present for my soon to be 16 year old daughter. He was
three years old at the time. He did not have any headshaking
symptoms at the time. He was perfect. He was gentle easy
to get along with and would do just about anything asked. My
daughter was thrilled , and had grand plans to show, halter, jump etc.
This was in July. The first show we took him to was in August.
We live in Atlanta so it is very very hot in the summer.
was fine until the day of the show. He began in the show ring to
twitch his head as if he were bothered by bugs. We just thought he
had a sensitive nature when it came to bugs. My daughter was still
able to place in the class because it wasn't too bad yet. So I had
several reasons given. The one we acted on, it must have been his
We had a
special dentist float his teeth, they did find he had places in his
mouth that had caused sharp grooves in his mouth and they pulled his
wolf teeth. So they thought he is fine now. Which he was because
it was going into Fall and Winter months however as we progressed into
warming months, March and even late February, he began to rear and shake
his head. I really thought it was because he is a young
horse and my daughter was letting him get away with doing what he
wanted. One day I decided to check out the problem. Several
people had mentioned to me that Checkers was rearing on my daughter
Jamie. I saddled him up and got on and sure enough he began to
rear and not to want to go forward. This was in a small indoor
arena where there is not a lot of light compared to outside.
I was able to finally work through the rearing some, and some of the
problem was, he did not want to work because he was in pain, which I did
not realize at the time.
began to lounge him and after a few minutes he began to shake his head,
the longer I worked him the worst it became. I tried several days to
try and ride him outside, it was a nightmare. I became really
nervous riding him as he would rub his nose and just become frantic.
again I had the vet check him out and guess what? He floated his teeth and
could not see anything wrong with him. But he was going to try what
he called "Horsey Prozac". I was willing to try anything
at this point. The vet was not my regular vet, so I began to think
about this and I called my vet, he tried an herbal remedy for ten days...
each day, I hoped it would be better. I became more discouraged than
ever. I got on the internet then and looked up headshaking and
became depressed. There is no known cause or solution.
Mask did catch my eye so I began to read the stories, I did not relate to
most until I got to the one with many of the same symptoms of Checkers
even down to having the horses teeth floated. So I sent off for the
mask and talked to Sid. I received the mask and could not wait to
try it however to my disappointment he still shook his head. This
horse is now only four years old, what will I do with an un-rideable horse
that is so young?
at the barn suggested that I try knee-high nylons over his nose, it sounds
crazy but with the two things together he has stopped completely. He
is calm and workable and just like he was before this all started.
Some days it is not always easy to put nylons over his nose but he
eventually submits. He is ok with the Guardian Mask, I hope
this offers hope to anyone who struggles with this problem. I was so
excited to have Checkers back, I called Lou to tell him, without the
Guardian Mask who knows what we would have done.
Petty & Checkers
product really does work, I never would have thought of this problem being
with his eyes and also allergies, but there are probably more of you out
there struggling. I hope this helps, what a blessing this has been."
Thank you Jill for sharing your
tried and proven method of using the Nylon hose. We are very pleased
to hear of your success with Checkers!
We've had many reports of horse
owners trying this method while using the Guardian Mask in all daylight
hours with great results. Often times it appears ultra sensitive
horses show a great range of improvement as well.
The images you sent really show
nicely how the combination is used. Thank you once again.
Guardian Mask
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