Jan & her horse
"Moses" - 04-15-2001 + Updates

Note: **Updates are in reverse order
after the first segment**
Hello Sid:
Well, it has been a few months since we last talked and I wanted to give you
recent update on Moses. Well, first, just take a look at the pictures I've
attached. Pictures don't lie. He has gained almost 200 pounds since January!
My vet couldn't believe his own eyes when he came a few weeks ago. Moses is
doing excellent! He continues to have improved progress, although he has had
2 very short episodes of ERU since May. However, the improvement lies in the
fact that he had less "down" time since he began wearing his
GUARDIAN MASK, and within just 4-5 days he was back to normal, opposed to
4-5 weeks. I have noticed that both times, there was a full moon.
Call me
skeptical, and I know what the literature says, but I just don't see how a
full moon can trigger something like this, but apparently it does have some
relevance. Moses continues to wear his mask 24/7, most of the time. On a few
occasions, I have let him have some relief from it, but only at night, and
when I was certain that he was not experiencing any symptoms ERU. I miss
seeing his beautiful face, so selfishly, I do allow him some freedom from
the mask during dark hours. He has adapted to it very well and as you might
have guessed, it is starting to look very tattered from wear.
I knew you
would be interested in hearing a story with a good ending so I wanted to
give you an update and let you know that Moses continues to move forward,
progressively and is once again enjoying his "golden years". From
my experience in dealing with ERU, I have learned that one must attack this
disease with aggression, or else face the consequences of a blind horse in
extreme pain. It is such a joy to see Moses running in the pasture and once
again see him playful and interacting with his buddies. I am so thankful for
your research and insight into the causes of ERU and for discovering that
something as simple as a mask, that screens out light, could actually
restore the health and welfare of our wonderful companions that we call our
I have talked with numerous people, who have horses suffering
from this very strange and debilitating illness and I continue to spread the
word of the Guardian Mask with every opportunity I am afforded. Thanks again
for allowing me to share more of my testimony regarding Moses' continued
good health. It is my earnest desire that other horse owners seeking help
and advice in dealing with ERU, will find hope and encouragement from those
of us who have posted our testimonies here on your website. We know and
understand the despair....for we have surely walked a mile in their shoes.
Sincerest regards,
Jan Curtis, Bethpage, TN
UPDATE 05-18-01
Just a quick update on Moses. He continues to improve as time goes by, and
physically, he looks better than I have seen him in almost a year. This past
weekend we took him for a little trip in the trailer to give him a little
different scenery. It seemed he had become a bit "barn sour" and
decided that he didn't want to leave the comforts of home, i.e. the barn! I
suppose this stems from all the "TLC" he received while
recuperating from his Uveitis. I wasn't sure how he would react when we
unloaded him, since we were trying out a new saddle on him and the fact that
he was in unfamiliar territory, along with wearing his Guardian Mask. But, I
couldn't have asked for a better ride.
So, to any of your clients who may have questions about their horse
performing on command while wearing the Guardian Mask and outside their
familiar territory, I can attest that I had excellent results and did not
see one ounce of difference in Moses' ability to adapt to any situation.
This particular day that we rode, we traveled down a 2-lane paved road; we
met cars, cows, people, barking dogs, other horses and even passed through
flowing creeks, and Moses reacted with grace and confidence to every
encounter, without any hesitation. So, as I continue to test the
"boundaries" of the Guardian Mask and Moses, I am happy to report to you,
that the Guardian Mask continues to be, as you say, "The Gift of Life".
With each passing day, I am still amazed and encouraged with Moses'
progress, and again wish to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation
for all that you have helped me to accomplish.
Jan Curtis, Bethpage, TN
own life experiences often teach us more than we ever cared to know. We gain
so much more from these experiences than we could have ever known without
UPDATE 04-15-01
Well, Moses and I had quite a ride today. We started out at the house, then
we headed out to the pasture and then we traveled about 10 miles to a
beautiful hilltop that overlooks one of the prettiest views on our farm. It
was so good to be back on Moses again. I haven't been able to ride him since
January, and then it was not a good experience because at that time I did
not realize the nature and seriousness of his illness. Boy, have I come a
long way since then, and so has Moses. But I am glad to report to you today
that Moses appears to have had a miraculous recovery.
This being Easter I
really have a lot to be thankful for and you are on my list along with many
others. Moses seemed to really enjoy being back doing what he does best. He
is such a wonderful companion and friend and I have learned so much from
him. I shutter to think how close I was to donating him to University of
Tennessee, Veterinarian School of Medicine for the research of Uveitis. I
just kept hoping for a miracle and I got one! I can never thank you enough.
I am so full of joy !
I will continue to spread the word about the wondrous
results of the Guardian Fly Mask. Thanks again for your dedication to
helping make the world a better place for all horses. I hope to one day to
meet you and shake your hand and maybe give you a big hug. Until then, I
will continue to spread the word far and wide of your wonderful invention.
Jan Curtis,
Bethpage, TN
Update 04-11-01
To brief you, I have included an email that I sent you on March 13, 2001,
which subsequently prompted a phone call from you on that same day. Today,
April 10, 2001, I want to give you an update since we last talked back in
March. Feel free to post any portion of this email to your website as a
testimonial. I do not have a picture of Moses, posing with his Guardian Fly
Mask at this time. However, I promise to send one to you as soon as
possible. Please read the following:
April 10, 2001
Dear Sid:
When you called me back in March, you suggested trying some herbs. Well, I
did do some research on the internet, but couldn't find anything that I
could afford, considering all the money I had been out with vet bills, and
such. So, I continued with my usual routine of medications, continuous use
of the Guardian Fly Mask, and lots of prayers! Then suddenly, about a 10
days ago, as I was beginning my daily ritual of washing his mask, cleaning
his eye, and medicating, I looked into his eye and was absolutely stunned at
what I saw! I saw a definite improvement in his eye. The swelling was almost
gone, the redness in his lower eyelid was dissipating, there were no streams
of tears from his eye, the cloudiness was clearing, and the pupil was
visible for the first time in many months. I cried with joy! I grabbed Moses
around the neck and gave him a big hug, and if you've ever had a horse hug
you back, you know the feeling I am describing. It was wonderful.
Since January, Moses has been using the Guardian Fly Mask, with #95 shades,
7 days a week, 24 hours a day. I have continued to follow my vet's
instructions, and medicated his eye up until about 5 days ago. When I called
to report this wonderful news to my vet, he seemed somewhat shocked and
amazed, especially since I had given him some literature regarding your
mask. None the less, he was very elated to learn of Moses' improvement. He
suggested weaning Moses off the medications, which I have done and he is now
completely off ALL medications. So far, I have not seen any recurring signs
of Uveitis. It is obvious that Moses' health has returned. I have actually
seen him running in the pasture with the rest of the herd and he is even
able to keep up with the younger horses. He no longer stands in a corner in
his stall, avoiding the sunlight. He now, proudly holds his head high and
LOOKS into the sunlight, without pain! He has lost most, if not all sight in
one eye, due to an already deteriorated condition, prior to my use of the
mask, but Moses is alive and healthy, no longer in pain, and looking better
than I have seen him in a very long while. I am NOT totally convinced that
the medications contributed to his overall improvement. Although, I do give
the medications some credit. I am, however, absolutely 100% convinced,
beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the mask made a positive and significant
difference in his health, his well being, and his recovery! I plan on
ordering a mask for my 2 year old Walker, who for now, is in perfect health.
I do not want to take a chance of going through this again with another
horse. I have no way of knowing whether Uveitis will recur in Moses' eye;
the history of the disease says that it is a probability. But for now, I
choose to relish in the joy of seeing my 20 year old Tennessee Walker in his
prime... healthy, vibrant, and full of life.
Thank you Sid, for all your support, for caring and for giving
me that last little pep talk to keep me going in the right direction. I was
in deep despair when I last contacted you, and very close to euthanizing my
best friend. Thanks to you, and the Guardian Fly Mask, Moses and I will now
be able to ride off into the sunset together...... once again..... and
hopefully for a very, very long time.
Jan Curtis, Bethpage, TN
Update 03-13-2001
Hello Sid:
I purchased my Guardian Fly Mask , with #95 sunshades almost 2 months ago.
Moses, my 20 year old Tennessee Walker has been wearing the mask 24-7 since
then. The Uveitis has stabilized, but unfortunately, has not improved as
yet. I attribute that to the already deteriorated condition of the eye at
the time that I put the mask to use. I would like to ask your opinion on the
Black Out Patch. Do you think that total occlusion for a period of time
might show some benefit? Moses has lost his sight in the eye, and is still
exhibiting the classic signs and symptoms of Uveitis in the eye, pain,
tearing, swelling, constricted pupil, cloudy/gray color etc. I have
exhausted my financial and medical resources with my vet; treatment has
shown no improvement, and I have spent over $600 since January 2001. So, I
have concluded, what's another $9.00 for the black out patch. Is it worth a
I am now at a financial cross roads of either having the
eye removed, ($700 - $800, which I cannot afford), or
donating him to the University of Tennessee College of
Veterinarian Medicine for study and research. If you have a
client who could talk me through this or out of this,
regarding the surgery, donation or preferably just
encouragement to keep on keeping on, I would appreciate it.
Although, finances have now entered into this ugly picture,
my main concern, first and foremost is the welfare of Moses.
I do not want my emotional attachment to Moses to be a
detriment to his health and welfare, but at the same time, I
do not want to seem cold and callused because I can no
longer afford the medical care he requires. He deserves so
much more than that. This is a very difficult crossroad, and
I keep praying for an easy answer. So far, I haven't found
one and I am preparing myself for the finality of
circumstances, which now appear to be beyond my control,
medically and financially. I am open to any suggestions,
either from you or any of your clients. Surely, I am not
alone. Surely, someone else has walked in my shoes. Thanks
for your interest and help.
Jan Curtis, Bethpage, TN
Jan, your story had been heartwarming from the very beginning and we
are very pleased to have had the opportunity to help as well as hear
of the great progress you had with Moses.
Thank you very much for sharing
your unique experience.
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