Hi David,
I spoke with you on the phone last night.
This is my 12 year old quarter horse, Jazz. I‘m an avid
trail rider and ride every Saturday and Sunday with a
group of friends. Jazz developed violent head tossing at
the end of summer when he was 10 years old. I first
thought that maybe he was becoming very bothered by the
flies or he was protesting about something, until a
friend remembered reading about some horses being
allergic to the sun. After researching on line, I came
across your website and realized that Jazz has the
classic symptoms of “Photic Headshaking,” so I bought
the “Guardian Mask.” The mask has helped his symptoms
tremendously, and our rides are much more enjoyable for
both of us! Thanks, Guardian Mask!!!
If you would like to post Jazz’s pictures on your
website, please feel free….thanks for being there!!
Donna Wenderoth