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We strongly recommended reading each and every page of the compiled information on our website. 


The information we have provided will help you understand your horses needs as well as understand our products.


Our goal is to help save horses lives.



This product is proudly made in the USA



Anita & her horse "Benny" 05-17-2010


Hello, Guardian Makers-


I just sent off my THIRD order for a mask.  I live in the desert in southeastern New Mexico, a land that is harsh, hot and mostly brilliantly sunny year round.  


I used to think that it was just a given that many of the paints, appaloosas and white horses in this area went blind by around 15 years of age, and if I thought about it at all, I just assumed it was because of weaknesses within the breeds.  In 2002, I bought the best horse I have ever owned for my daughter.  Benny was an 8 yr old red and white appy, with one blue eye and one marbled blue eye.  He put up with her teen age cowgirl years, placidly accepting whatever current pursuit or fashion she forced on him with good cheer and willingness. 


A couple of years ago, she started mentioning that he stumbled occasionally, and seemed to startle more easily.  I went out to feed one evening, right about dusk.  He and my mule share a 10 acre, mesquite grown field.  An old white car had just been put out in that field.  As I called them in to supper, Benny came galloping through the mesquite brush, side stepping and jumping over clumps as usual.  To my absolute horror, however, he galloped straight in to the side of the car, striking it broadside with his chest and knocking himself to the ground.  I ran over to him, where he stood up and rooted himself, trembling and refusing to move unless he was physically touching my shoulder.  The ultimate diagnosis?  He was nearly blind.  My vet told me that uveitis is very, very common in the southwest because of the intense sun and glare off the ground, and very common among horses with light colored eyes.  She told me the desert southwest was really hard on appaloosas and paints, and other light colored animals with light colored eyes.   There was nothing to be done, she told me.  It was apparent he had learned the topography of his pasture, and trusted my daughter when riding, but she said it was only a matter of time until euthanasia.  To say we grieved is putting it mildly. 


About a year later, one of my older daughters told an acquaintance about it, and they mentioned reading about Guardian masks. She visited your website, and told me to take a look.  I asked my vet about it, and she said we were grasping at straws.  I ordered Benny's first mask in May or early June of 2009.  By this time, he rarely moved unless he was right on the tail of my mule.  He was unstable under saddle, spooking and "planting" himself frequently, and sweated frequently for no apparent reason (other than not being able to see what monster was approaching).  I penned him up for several days when first putting on the mask.  By that time, my daughter had gone off to college, so it was just me and Benny, so I was seeing him frequently and knew his mannerisms well. 


Since I left for work very early in the morning, and got home at dusk most days, he spent 100% of the daylight hours in his goofy looking mask.  Within a week, I got the impression he was actually watching me come down the path to his pen. Within a month, he was watching the mule out in the pasture and calling for her.  His head tracked her even though she was quite some distance away, and I knew we were on the right track.  By month two, he was flitting around the pen, jumping  his water tub, and I decided to see how he handled being back out in the pasture.  I put him out on a weekend so I could watch him, and started crying when he took off at a full gallop, running along a new fence line, obviously fully aware of anything in his way. 


The blue color in his solid eye actually seemed bluer.  I took pictures to catalog the color, but didn't have a picture of the muddy blue it was when we started, so don't know if this is just my enthusiasm or not. The mask doesn't hold up to mesquite brush very well, so I ordered mask #2 after a few months.  Mask #2 has now been destroyed (not the eye cups-they seem made of iron- it is the velcro jaw straps that are repeatedly torn off!), and I have just ordered #3.  I also have the bridle mask, and he is back to being safely trail ridden. 


Just a note, vain daughter hates the way he looks in the mask, and I have caught her riding him without the goggles, and he stumbles and trips over small obstacles, so the underlying light sensitivity has not been cured, just controlled.  Benny is now my 'full time' pony, and he always has his mask on.  He waits for me in the morning by the gate, where I hang the mask in the evening.  He puts his head in it himself, and if I sleep late, he parks himself there until I come out.  I know he is much more comfortable with it on, and he depends on it, too.  I imagine if a young New Mexican horse started out with a Guardian,  they would never develop the damage in the first place.  My vet is a convert and I am so proud that this lovely, kind horse  has a new lease on life, thanks to his Guardian. 


I am not one to write "testimonials", and am having trouble affording 3 masks a year, but seeing is believing.  This mask saves horses lives.  Thank you for developing it.



Anita Self RN

Carlsbad, NM


Greetings Anita,


Thank you so much for taking the time to write us about  your experiences with Benny.  The best part of this is that you were able to see first hand how the properties of the mask helped your boy.  We're so pleased to know he has a second lease on life, is active and happy, that is what it is all about!


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