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Andrea & her horse Mercedes - 05-10-04
Monday, May 10, 2004
Testimonial & Update
Hi Sid!
This letter has been a long time coming in your direction. I first
spoke to you 4 years ago. I have an Anglo Arab mare that had been
diagnosed with uveitis. However, I am a very skeptical person I needed
to make sure that I believed in your product before I sent a
testimonial. Here is a brief rundown of what happened with my mare
I remember this day so vividly my mare’s eye was swollen and running and
it looked quite painful. I stood in the barn with my mare and awaited
the vet’s arrival. He diagnosed her with uveitis and left me with a
hand full of medications and directions. I was still optimistic about
my mare condition and her treatment.
Two weeks later… I stood in the barn again, waiting for the vet’s
arrival… this time for the other eye. Again, more instructions,
medications and now my spirits just a little less optimistic. (I was
boarding my horse and the time over 30 minutes from home and had to
travel to medicate her 4 times a day!)
My mare recovered quickly this time. One month later, again, standing
in the barn with my mare, both eyes swollen almost closed, and running,
and waiting for the vet to arrive. The vet arrived and during the
examination we discovered both eyes so badly affected they were full of
pools of blood!
Again, the vet leaves, I have my hands full of medications and by now I
am very familiar with the treatment schedule! Now, I am very worried
about my mare, I am in a daze I am so tired from driving to treat her.
I remember sitting on the floor of my mare’s stall and sobbing!!!
The first year of continuous treatment came and went. Into the second
year of treatment, my life started to revolve around my mare’s
treatment. I quit my job and found one closer to the barn to make sure
I got 4 treatments a day into her eyes. I left home and rented an
apartment in the country to shorten my drive time. I no sooner got one
eye under control and the other eye would need treatment again. I
fought with ulcers on her eyes from the steroid medications. Ulcers in
her stomach from pain management medications. The final straw was when
my mare had one of her eyes go completely covered with a white “fungus”
type problem!!! From get this… the fungus was caused by the
medications to treat the uveitis! Again the vet came out to try and
help me with my mare. The vet care for my mare was fantastic however;
this was a pretty severe case. My mare at this point had been on
complete stall rest with no light for 2 months (give or take a day) my
mare looked terrible. She had no spirit left in her! She had lost so
much weight I barely recognized her and I was now considering a humane
end to this so called life she was living! The vet and I discussed our
options for Mercedes.
I went home in complete despair. I cried the whole car ride home. I
arrived home and told my boyfriend about what kind of a decision I was
faced with. I went and sat down and found myself feeling completely
helpless. I could for the first time do nothing to help my mare, I was
at the end of watching her suffer, and I was exhausted physically and
mentally and financially drained!
About an hour later my boyfriend arrived with a print out from the
computer. It was your website. He urged me to call and order and
just give it one last shot. I reached you on the other end of the line
Sid! My first bit of hope in months! You understood! I quickly
ordered the mask and waited. You sent me the mask on a rush order and I
had it within 2 days! When the mask arrived in the mail I rushed out to
the barn to put it on her. Okay at first I thought she looked kind of
funny but who cares if it helps.
4 years later…
Mercedes now lives at home on my farm. She is completely blind in one
eye and can see I think maybe “shadows” in the other eye. (I wish I had
found your mask months earlier she would probably still have her
vision). She is so happy; she has not had any problems with her eyes in
over 2 years! I have 3 of your masks so I can rotate to get them
washed. She wears her mask 24 hours a day 7 days a week. In fact your
masks are so well made that I still have her original mask and it is in
great shape!
It has been so long since I have thought of her eye condition that I had
to look up how to spell uveitis again!
Sid, my sincerest thank you for all you have done for Mercedes and
me. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me on many occasions by
phone, for taking the time to find a “treatment” for these wonderful
animals that suffer from moonblindness, and for raising awareness with
horse owners and vets throughout North America.
Trail riding season is starting again here in Ontario and thanks to you,
Mercedes and I will enjoy the sunshine again for another summer
I do not hesitate to tell anyone about your product. My testimonial…
the smile on my face every time I open the barn doors in the morning and
am greeted by the whinny of my mare.
Thank you…
Yours truly,
Andrea Patterson
Heckston, Ontario
Where does one begin,
to respond, with a story such as this? Andrea, thank you so
much for sharing your experience, we truly are amazed at all you and
Mercedes have been through.
If you ever have the chance,
send a photo, we would love to include this on your heartwarming
testimonial. Thank you once again for sharing this with
the world.
Guardian Mask
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